Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reasons Why There Is So Much Skin Cancer Now Days : American ...

Are you struggling with skin cancer because you have been in the sun too much and blame the sun? Despite what we said, it is not quite right, even if we believe that the sun is our enemy, and that is the reason why so much skin cancer today. We have decades of campaigns urging us to avoid the sun, seeking shade, use sunscreen and usually have so little to do with the sun as possible, but the rate of skin cancer continues to rise.

For something that makes life on Earth from the Sun get a huge amount of bad press lately. There was a time when the disease of skin cancer did not exist and that it was only a few years ago, so why is there such a thing a problem today. One thing that skin cancer is now the day was a great blessing and a lot of people will benefit from the advantages. Have you ever noticed how skin cancer clinics have emerged in recent years?

The bottom line is, the sun is not our enemy, and it is really our friend, that the lives of all living things including man would not exist without them. This is not the sun that?s right, make responsible for the problem of skin cancer, when the sun has not changed and the ozone layer, to us from the harmful rays of the sun is only a problem over the Antarctic, where nobody lives. So what is the cause of skin cancer is at this point?

Cancer may in any location on the body where it has already irritations and sunburn, while too much can cause irritation and blemishes are there other factors that cause development to grow these imperfections. What has changed in recent years, our diet and it is our poor diet contributes to skin cancer, including melanoma.

We need the sun every day the sun has amazing healing powers. A few minutes of sun exposure each day was on our bare skin cancer does not cure the cause. We obtain important vitamin D from sunlight, which we absorb nutrients from food, especially calcium, which helps important for cancer patients. It also helps us maintain healthy bones and teeth. Other ways to obtain the recommended daily intake of vitamin D from foods like fatty fish and egg yolks to a lesser extent, and meats like liver. Enriched in some areas with milk with vitamin D

While overexposure to the sun be harmful rays can, especially on a person skin color, 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight on our faces, arms and legs every day must have amazing healing qualities. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with skin cancer or melanoma or another has been, it is important to get the sun on your bare skin every day. This will help to strengthen the immune system and allow the body to combat and eliminate cancer.

In general, conventional treatments for skin cancer, focusing on the symptom of the problem, which is the cancer growth. Learn to focus on more real cures that is the problem why the cancer first appeared. Address this problem, and cancer will never return. The reason he came often now a day because there is nothing in surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, to prevent them from returning because they are trying to remove growths.


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