Friday, August 31, 2012

First implantation of prototype bionic eye with 24 electrodes: 'All of a sudden I could see a little flash of light'

ScienceDaily (Aug. 31, 2012) ? In a major development, Bionic Vision Australia researchers have successfully performed the first implantation of an early prototype bionic eye with 24 electrodes.

Ms Dianne Ashworth has profound vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa, an inherited condition. She has now received what she calls a 'pre-bionic eye' implant that enables her to experience some vision. A passionate technology fan, Ms Ashworth was motivated to make a contribution to the bionic eye research program.

After years of hard work and planning, Ms Ashworth's implant was switched on last month at the Bionics Institute, while researchers held their breaths in the next room, observing via video link.

"I didn't know what to expect, but all of a sudden, I could see a little was amazing. Every time there was stimulation there was a different shape that appeared in front of my eye," Ms Ashworth said.

Professor Emeritus David Penington AC, Chairman of Bionic Vision Australia said: "These results have fulfilled our best expectations, giving us confidence that with further development we can achieve useful vision. Much still needs to be done in using the current implant to 'build' images for Ms Ashworth. The next big step will be when we commence implants of the full devices."

Professor Anthony Burkitt, Director of Bionic Vision Australia said: "This outcome is a strong example of what a multi-disciplinary research team can achieve. Funding from the Australian Government was critical in reaching this important milestone. The Bionics Institute and the surgeons at the Centre for Eye Research Australia played a critical role in reaching this point."

Professor Rob Shepherd, Director of the Bionics Institute, led the team in designing, building and testing this early prototype to ensure its safety and efficacy for human implantation. Cochlear technology supported aspects of the project.

Dr Penny Allen, a specialist surgeon at the Centre for Eye Research Australia, led a surgical team to implant the prototype at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.

"This is a world first -- we implanted a device in this position behind the retina, demonstrating the viability of our approach. Every stage of the procedure was planned and tested, so I felt very confident going into theatre," Dr Allen said.

The implant is only switched on and stimulated after the eye has recovered fully from the effects of surgery. The next phase of this work involves testing various levels of electrical stimulation with Ms Ashworth.

"We are working with Ms Ashworth to to determine exactly what she sees each time the retina is stimulated using a purpose built laboratory at the Bionics Institute. The team is looking for consistency of shapes, brightness, size and location of flashes to determine how the brain interprets this information.

"Having this unique information will allow us to maximise our technology as it evolves through 2013 and 2014," Professor Shepherd said.

How it works

This early prototype consists of a retinal implant with 24 electrodes. A small lead wire extends from the back of the eye to a connector behind the ear. An external system is connected to this unit in the laboratory, allowing researchers to stimulate the implant in a controlled manner in order to study the flashes of light. Feedback from Ms Ashworth will allow researchers to develop a vision processor so that images can be built using flashes of light. This early prototype does not incorporate an external camera -- yet. This is planned for the next stage of development and testing.

Researchers continue development and testing of the wide-view implant with 98 electrodes and the high- acuity implant with 1024 electrodes. Patient tests are planned for these devices in due course.

About Bionic Vision Australia

Bionic Vision Australia is a national consortium of researchers from the Bionics Institute, Centre for Eye Research Australia, NICTA, the University of Melbourne and the University of New South Wales.

The National Vision Research Institute, the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and the University of Western Sydney are project partners.

The project brings together a cross-disciplinary group of world-leading experts in the fields of ophthalmology, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering and materials science, neuroscience, vision science, psychophysics, wireless integrated-circuit design, and surgical, preclinical and clinical practice.

This research is funded by a $42 million grant over four years from the Australian Research Council (ARC) through its Special Research Initiative (SRI) in Bionic Vision Science and Technology.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Director of 'Vectrex Regeneration' Shares a Behind-the-Scenes ...

posted August 31st, 2012 3:00 PM EDT by Blake Patterson in Emulator, News, Retro, Upcoming Games

Last week we shared news of the coming Vectrex Regeneration, a universal iOS app that emulates the beloved Vectrex game console of the early '80s, with its entire original game library bundled in. It's news that got this retro gamer extremely excited and, judging from reader comments on the post, I'm not alone in this.

Today, The Penny Arcade Report posted a great piece detailing various aspects of Vectrex Regeneration, written by Anton Faulconbridge himself, director of the project over at Rantmedia Games. In the piece, Anton does a great job of explaining just why the Vectrex was such a special console, reveals a bit of behind-the-scenes technical hurdles the developers have had to face, and spectacularly explains just why it is that we retro game nuts are...well...retro game nuts.

People often make the mistake of thinking that the reason people like retro games & consoles is because of nostalgia. That rose-tinted, ?things were better in my day?, loved-my-childhood kind of nostalgia. That?s only true in a very small sense. The reason that people like retro games & consoles is actually because (lots of) the games are so incredibly playable!

There?s a freaky logic in that ? the ROMs for the Vectrex games weigh in at a heady 4-8K. K as in Kilobytes. Every email I send is bigger than that! Clearly, with severe limitations on CPU and graphics (CPU ran at a massive 1.5 MHz) you?ve got to find another way to make a good game, and that was ?Game play?!

Have a look at a couple of MineStorm screenshots generated by the game's still-in-progress renderer.

Stay tuned for more details on Vectrex Regeneration as they unfold, and a full review when the game goes live in the App Store.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yahoo Fires News Guy Who Said The Romneys - Business Insider

Politico's?Dylan Byers reports that Yahoo News has fired?Washington bureau chief David Chalian?after he was caught on an ABC hot mic saying, in vulgar terms, that?Mitt and Ann Romney were unconcerned with the fate of the residents of New Orleans in Hurricane Issac.?

"Feel free to say, 'They're not concerned at all. They're happy to have a party with black people drowning,'"?Chalian, who was not aware that the conversation was being aired live, told another person on set.

The conservative media watchdog?Newsbusters' Matthew Sheffield first reported on Chalian's comments. Here's the audio, which ran simultaneously along with this footage of the Romneys:?

Yahoo News hired Chalian last November, after he spent three years with PBS and seven years with ABC before that.?

"Political content is consumed like no other news in the digital space," Chalian said upon his hire at Yahoo. "With Yahoo doubling down on its content, matching that commitment to Yahoo's massive reach is an unparalleled opportunity to deliver high impact, high quality storytelling in what is shaping up to be a really consequential presidential election."

The tape suggests that Chalian was encouraging a guest to say something outrageous, rather than explicitly stating a personal belief. (Note the "feel free to say" at the beginning.)

Yahoo adds an apology to Mitt Romney on Twitter:

Yahoo's rough transition from a link aggregator to a full-fledged media company continues....


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Geron jumps on analyst view of cancer drugs

NEW YORK (AP) ? Shares of Geron Corp. climbed Thursday after a Stifel Nicolaus analyst said the company should report a series of positive results from clinical trials of two cancer drugs over the coming months.

THE SPARK: Analyst Brian Klein started covering Geron shares with a "Buy" rating, saying the company should report data from six studies of its drug candidates imetelstat and GERN1005 over the next six to nine months. Klein said that data should pave the way for late-stage studies and a collaboration with a larger drug company.

"We expect compelling evidence in one of these two indications will lead to a registrational program and could generate a lucrative partnership," he wrote.

Klein set a price target of $4 per share.

THE BIG PICTURE: The Menlo Park, Calif., company is running four midstage studies of imetelstat as a treatment for lung cancer and breast cancer, and two of GRN1005 as a treatment for lung and breast cancer that have spread to the brain. Imetelstat is designed to inhibit an enzyme called telomerase, which is found in high levels in cancer cells. Geron says the drug may be less toxic to normal cells than standard chemotherapy.

While most cancer drugs cannot enter the brain, the company says GRN1005 is designed to deliver the chemotherapy drug paclitaxel to the brain so it can work on brain tumors.

Geron pioneered the development of embryonic stem cell therapies and ran the first human trials of treatments based on embryonic stem cells. However in 2011 the company ended a trial of a stem cell therapy for spinal cord injuries and said it would focus on its cancer drugs.

SHARE ACTION: Shares of Geron picked up 25 cents, or 10.3 percent, to $2.66 in midday trading. The stock traded as low as $1.25 in June and reached its current 52-week high of $3.13 in September 2011. The shares last traded over $4 in July 2011.


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Pursued by God: Friendships: Part 1

Looking back on the friendships of my past, they were often marked by great happiness and conversely, great sadness and pain; sometimes in rapid succession. ?The happiness was in spending time with a friend who's mere presence can brighten my mood and give me a sense of being loved and accepted. ?Sadness and pain upon the realization that the label "close friend" or "good friend" seems to have a totally different meaning to me than it does for so many others.

"Love does not give up on people when they are struggling. It does not give in to despair in the face of extreme difficulty. It does not declare that someone?s heart can never change or that a broken community can never be healed. Love hopes all things. Understand that whenever we give up hope, this is really a failure to love, because love hopes."

I suppose it would help if I clarified my ideas of what types of friendships I have experienced. ?First, "friend" is not a label that I throw around loosely. ? I try to be realistic in identifying the type of relationships I have with people. ?For the most part, I don't consider co-workers to be friends. ?With few exceptions, I always look at them as acquaintances. ?I would also apply the acquaintance label to most people I socialized with at certain places such as bars. ?These were people with whom my contact was limited to certain times or places. ?If I removed myself from those places, whether it be the bar, work, or even church, I would not necessarily maintain contact with them or continue on in any type of relationship. ?They are all relationships that are conditional on some factor other than a mutual, voluntary choice to have someone be a part of your life.
" does not rejoice at wrongdoing. ?It delights not? wrote Henry Drummond, ?in exposing the weakness of others.? ?What love does instead is to ?rejoice with the truth.?
When a relationship rose to the level of friendship, my level of commitment to the person changed. ?I pursued a variety of activities and socialization with them. ?This would include experiencing things that they were interested in as well as them being involved with things that interested me. ?The level of personal sharing increased - maybe a certain level of emotional intimacy marked by a willingness to risk vulnerability. ?If things progressed and the friendship seemed to be growing, I guess at least in my own head, it would reach a point where I would consider the other person a close or good friend. ?This would typically be someone I would ?assume I could count on to be there for me in times of need, and someone who's own needs I would focus greatly on. ?In fact, I would often be willing to put in more effort in addressing the needs of a good friend than I would addressing my own. ?What invariably would occur when I reached this level of friendship with another man were recurring doubts about the friendship. ?These doubts and insecurities would often result in anger, depression, disappointment, and temporary withdrawal from the friend. ?I would find myself feeling that the person did not truly like me; that what I perceived as friendship was nothing more than their "using" me for some personal gain; as if they allowed me to think I was their friend in order to profit from me in some way. ?Recurring thoughts would creep up that this "friend" really doesn't want to get to know me, and in fact doesn't even really like me; that they have some ulterior motive.

"If we are easily provoked, if we tend to get angry in the wrong way about the wrong things, and if our anger is out of proportion to the situation, this is clear evidence of a loveless heart."

I think many of these feelings would arise due to having some sort of sense of inadequacies as a person. ?I often felt that if friends really knew me, their is no way that they would still want to have a relationship with me. ?And looking back on these past friendships, it is probably likely that I let very few people know the real me. ?In many cases, I fabricated, exaggerated, or minimized certain aspects of myself in order to be more likeable. ?I would also tend to rush into doing things for others. ?I searched for ways in which I could use what I felt were my strengths as a means to address or fill needs they had. ?I determined those "needs" of theirs through my perceptions of what I thought their weaknesses were. ?This was surely a means of making myself more valuable to my friend and my exploitation of their weaknesses were desperate attempts to draw them closer to manipulate them into friendship because it was what I wanted. ?In many respects, I was driven so intensely to find closeness with other guys that I would force that closeness in any way that I could. ?I was often impatient in allowing relationships to develop on their if it is was only by proving myself useful that anyone would ever be drawn into a mutual friendship with me. ?In effect, that seeing me as I really am would draw no one toward closeness with me. ?At times I even used sex as a tool to create a sense of being close to them - in a way that through bringing them pleasure through that sexual act I would further draw them to me and it would be some sort of intimate secret that we shared; perhaps thinking that these shared experiences made for greater closeness.

"this is something else that love does: it trusts God to provide what is needed."

Oftentimes, I would be in a constant state of analyzing the relationship to determine just how stable it was and if their were any impending threats to it on the horizon. ?This fear of losing the friend would often lead to behavior that could best be described as needy or clingy. ?In the fear of losing someone important to me, I would grab on as tight as I could and ironically this only served to push the person further away. ?This fear that caused me to hold tight to the friend clearly demonstrated the need for love I felt, yet at the same time displayed a certain selfishness by it's attempts to control another person, rather than respect their right to choose their own friends as well.

"...the real issue for most of us is that we always want to place limits on our love. We are ready to give, but only when we have something left over. We are willing to care as long as it isn?t too inconvenient. We are able to love provided that people love us back."
I don't know to what extent same sex attraction played a role in this behavior. ?I think more likely, alongside my struggles with homosexuality, this intense need to feel close to other men has it's roots in my childhood and my experiences with my father. ?Likely their are other factors at play too.
"God even gives us the grace to go back to people who throw our love away and love them all over again."
Since coming to faith a couple years ago I have felt that this aspect of my life has improved greatly. ?The old ?attempts at manipulation through sex were pretty easy to leave behind. ?I am far less dependent on friends when it comes to my own feelings of self-worth and security. ?My need for other people - particularly men - to meet certain needs is still very real, however it has clearly diminished as my reliance on Christ has increased. ?It is far more difficult to feel inadequate and unlovable when you trust in God's love for you! ?I have recently gotten to the point of confidence in myself through what God tells me I am in Christ. ?While far from perfect, I've seemed to reach a level, at least in my own mind, of being in the process of developing healthy relationships with other men. ?I don't feel those same desires to manipulate people into friendship with me. ?The only friendships I desire at this point are from other people who freely chose to have a presence in my life; and base that decision on the facts - not on a "me" that is made up or contrived. ?I'm getting tired of hearing and saying the word "transparency", but at the same time I think it is important for me to be authentic with others. ?I spent too many years forcing friendships based on my desire to have certain people as a friend, and now it seems right to allow friendships to develop based on the other persons choice to be in relationship with me. ?It is a letting go of control over situations and people and putting trust in the Lord to meet my needs for companionship and love in the way that He see's best. ?My way has never worked well, and at this point I find myself at the place where my life in this world is likely more than half over, and I have very few friends to show for all of my misguided efforts.
"God will make sure that everything turns out right in the end. So love keeps on waiting and waiting for the day when God will wipe away all our tears."

I wanted to give a general overview of my experiences with friendship with this post so I added "Part 1" to the title. ?I don't know how many "parts" this Friendship series will end up having, but I feel like I have a lot I want to say regarding friendship; how it relates to the person with same sex attraction, and how I feel that the growing awareness of homosexuality over the past century has really damaged the ability of men to be in close, loving, non-sexual, Biblical relationships with each other out of fear of being labeled as "gay". ?I also want to write about the interaction between our calling to be a brother and how it applies to our friendships. ?Additionally, I have recently had an experience which has caused me some serious doubts and disappointment about the progress I have made in developing healthy friendships and I may incorporate that into a part 2 or 3 as well.

The quotes that you see throughout this post come from the book "Loving The Way Jesus Loves", by Phil Ryken. ?I HIGHLY recommend it! ?While these quotes I chose aren't directly related to friendship, this book has had a significant impact on how I view others around me, and has certainly helped me in overriding my often unhealthy emotional kind of love with a more Biblically directed love for others.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

TOC: Journal of Business Communication | The Blogora

Submitted by syntaxfactory on August 28, 2012 - 1:55pm

Journal of Business Communication Online Table of Contents Alert

A new issue of Journal of Business Communication is available online:
1 October 2012; Vol. 49, No. 4

The below Table of Contents is available online at:

Conversation Analysis in Dialogue With Stocks of Interactional Knowledge: Facework and Appraisal Interviews
Jonathan Clifton
Journal of Business Communication 2012;49 283-311

The Relationship Between Communication Apprehension and Learning Preferences in an Organizational Setting
Travis L. Russ
Journal of Business Communication 2012;49 312-331

Generational Perspectives in the Workplace: Interpreting the Discourses That Constitute Women?s Struggle to Balance Work and Life
Linda Williams Favero and Renee Guarriello Heath
Journal of Business Communication 2012;49 332-356

The Relationship Between Leader Motivating Language and Self-Efficacy: A Partial Least Squares Model Analysis
Jacqueline Mayfield and Milton Mayfield
Journal of Business Communication 2012;49 357-376

Discourse Perspectives on Organizational Communication
Jonathan Clifton
Journal of Business Communication 2012;49 377-380


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Reality Robotics Kickstarter wants you to be the robot

Realty Robotics BERO.

4 inches high. Wirelessly controlled. Bugdroid. Need we say more?

Reality Robotics, the company behind the likes of the nerd-friendly, Android-controlled TankBot, is back with another gadget, this one a little more near and dear to our hearts. A Kickstarter campaign has been launched for BERO -- Be The Robot. 

There are a number of models of the 4-inch BugDroids from which to choose. They've got tracks for legs, LEDs for eyes, and the headphones pulse to music. Plus there's a built-in speaker that will play music from an included storage card. Very cool.

The different models will behave different. They're programmable, voice-activated -- and the whole thing is open-sourced. (Jerry is going nuts already, we imagine.)

There are a dozen Kickstarter pledge levels, starting at $35 for a paperweight (basically the shell of a BERO with no electronics), all the way up to a $7,800 pledge that will send you to Hong Kong to see how these little guys are made. (There are only two of those available.)

Hit the links below for more, and check out the gallery after the break for more color options.

The BERO robots are expected to ship in late November. iOS funcationality will be added later, as well as integration with MP3 players and (possibly) Twitter.

Source: Kickstarter, Be the Robot

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Hurricane Isaac Strengthens and Takes Aim at New Orleans

Hurricane Isaac Strengthens and Takes Aim at New Orleans | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network '); } else { $('#'+formID+' > .error').fadeOut('slow'); $('#'+formID+' > .error').html(json.MESSAGE); } $('#'+formID+' > .error').fadeIn('slow'); } else { $('#'+formID).hide(); $('#'+formID).after('

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Judge blocks Ohio law that rejected 14,000 ballots in 2008 (Los Angeles Times)

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Neil Armstrong | 1930-2012: Neil Armstrong, First Man on Moon, Dies at 82

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Neil Armstrong became a global hero as the first human to set foot on an extraterrestrial body.


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Bankruptcy attorney ? A summary | Raven Head Inn

We have an ever-increasing trend within the number of folks that declare bankruptcy yearly. All of us recall the home finance loan percolate associated with 2009. Luckily, your financial system is usually enhancing. But if thez economic climate has been doing very well as well as poorly, you can always find those unfortunates who are inside financial terrible straits. When you are a type of men and women, you can attempt to seek bankruptcy relief for any number of good reasons. The most prevalent factors are as follows.

- Becoming fitter you will be having your nerve-racking degree of following out of your lenders.

- Your own new divorce or separation has left a person striving monetarily.

- You're struggling with ailment or perhaps a inability and you really are unable to function.

- One of the investments is going to become reclaimed because of the lender.

- You could have out of work and you're struggling to take care of the fiscal obligations.

Unpleasant to your must declare themselves bankrupt, you must never go it alone. There exists someone to assist you to in the procedure. Bankruptcy is really a complex as well as particular area of the laws bankruptcy lawyer Phoenix Arizona. It's tricky intended for laymen to be aware of all of it themselves. If you intent to bankruptcy options it is actually vital that you work with a las vegas bankruptcy laywer to assist you just about every stage to actually do not come from the practice more painful away than you used to be previous to.

There are different types of personal bankruptcy therefore you need to have a bankruptcy lawyer to assist you to work out which will be the type that you'll require. A bankruptcy lawyer will review of your event and also inform you about what selections you have along with which usually path will in all probability function as the more sensible choice for yourself. The most typical style of individual bankruptcy will be Chapter 7 bankruptcy. But which is the most prevalent doesn't mean it's the best for you. And this also is how a good bankruptcy lawyer is able to assist you to.

A bankruptcy proceeding legal professionals are not the legal professionals that you may locate wherever. They have got special education in seo which is your particular perhaps the regulation which consists of personal regulations and rules. Chapter 13 lawyers have got not less than many experience working as clerks or maybe interns for more experienced chapter 13 legal representatives. Normally, you want to retain the actual attorney at law most abundant in practical experience. Which has a excellent education and also beneficial training would not guarantee that a attorney has to be great bankruptcy lawyer to suit your needs.

The only way to decide whether an individual bankruptcy attorney is a useful one you aren't is usually to evaluate the instances they have treated in past times. Determine what portion of people conditions are prosperous. As well, having a excessive effectiveness is not a sufficient determinant. You will need to decide if or otherwise not of which lawyer has been thriving using situations which have been akin to you. For anyone who is processing for an personal there is no stage working with a enterprise las vegas bankruptcy laywer for the reason that types of chapter 13 and also the methods are not the same. Likewise, it's not at all preferable to engage a divorce attorney to assist you using your chapter 13 instance.


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Massachusetts gas prices remain unchanged

BOSTON (AP) ? There's been no change in the cost of a gallon of gas in Massachusetts in the past week.

After several weeks of higher prices, AAA Southern New England reports Monday that self-serve, regular remains at an average of $3.73 per gallon.

The current price is two cents below the national average, 18 cents higher than a month ago and 12 cents higher than a year ago.

AAA found self-serve, regular selling as low as $3.62 and as high as $3.89 per gallon.


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Poll: Raise taxes to save Social Security

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Most Americans say go ahead and raise taxes if it will save Social Security benefits for future generations. And raise the retirement age, if you have to.

Both options are preferable to cutting monthly benefits, even for people who are years away from applying for them.

Those are the findings of a new Associated Press-GfK poll on public attitudes toward the nation's largest federal program.

Social Security is facing serious long-term financial problems. When given a choice on how to fix them, 53 percent of adults said they would rather raise taxes than cut benefits for future generations, according to the poll. Just 36 percent said they would cut benefits instead.

The results were similar when people were asked whether they would rather raise the retirement age or cut monthly payments for future generations ? 53 percent said they would raise the retirement age, while 35 percent said they would cut monthly payments.

"Right now, it seems like we're taxed so much, but if that would be the only way to go, I guess I'd have to be for it to preserve it," said Marge Youngs, a 77-year-old widow from Toledo, Ohio. "It's extremely important to me. It's most of my income."

Social Security is being hit by a wave of millions of retiring baby boomers, leaving relatively fewer workers to pay into the system. The trustees who oversee the massive retirement and disability program say Social Security's trust funds will run out of money in 2033. At that point, Social Security will only collect enough tax revenue to pay 75 percent of benefits, unless Congress acts.

Lawmakers from both political parties say there is a good chance Congress will address Social Security in the next year or two ? if the White House takes the lead. Yet so far, Social Security has not played a big role in the presidential election.

In previous polls, Democrats have typically scored better than Republicans on handling Social Security. But the AP-GfK poll shows Americans are closely divided on which presidential candidate they trust to handle the issue.

Forty-seven percent said they trust President Barack Obama to do a better job on Social Security, and 44 percent said they trust his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney. The difference is within the poll's margin of sampling error.

Charles McSwain, 69, of Philadelphia, said he trusts Obama because he thinks the president is more likely to stick up for the middle class.

"He at least gives the appearance of trying to help people that aren't super rich, and Romney doesn't," said McSwain, who works part time selling real estate.

But Jeff Victory of Nashville, Tenn., worries that Obama doesn't have the stomach to cut benefits to help rein in the program.

"Barack has already shown he's going to give anything free out to everyone he possibly can, so I'm going to have to go with Romney on that one," said Victory, a 26-year-old electrician.

Romney has said he favors gradually increasing the retirement age, but he opposes tax increases to shore up Social Security. For future generations, Romney would slow the growth of benefits "for those with higher incomes."

Obama hasn't laid out a detailed plan for addressing Social Security. But during the 2008 campaign, he called for applying the Social Security payroll tax to wages above $250,000. It is now limited to wages below $110,100, a level that increases with inflation.

Obama says any changes to Social Security should be done "without putting at risk current retirees, the most vulnerable or people with disabilities, without slashing benefits for future generations and without subjecting Americans' guaranteed retirement income to the whims of the stock market."

Romney's running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, has been a leading proponent in Congress of allowing workers to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into personal investment accounts. Romney has not fully embraced the idea, but Democrats are using it to accuse Republicans of trying to privatize Social Security.

Romney put Ryan on the ticket Aug. 11. The AP-GfK Poll was conducted Aug. 16-20.

About 56 million people get Social Security benefits. Monthly payments average $1,236 for retirees.

The options for fixing Social Security fall into two broad categories ? raising taxes or cutting benefits, or some combination of the two. But there are many options within each category. For example, raising the retirement age is a benefit cut for future generations, because they would have to wait longer to qualify for full benefits.

Retirees now can qualify for full benefits at age 66, a threshold that is rising to 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

In previous polls, most of the options for addressing Social Security scored poorly among the public, which helps explain why Congress hasn't embraced them. But the AP-GfK poll forced people to make a choice: Raise taxes or cut benefits? Raise the retirement age or cut monthly payments?

Democrats, Republicans and independents all favored raising the retirement age over cutting monthly payments. But there was a big divide on raising taxes. Sixty-five percent of Democrats and 53 percent of independents supported higher taxes, compared with just 38 percent of Republicans.

"Raising taxes, especially on the people that provide the jobs for us, is not an option because what you do there, you discourage promoting jobs," said James Taylor, a 68-year-old retiree from Golden, Miss.

But Juan Tellez, a 22-year-old college student in Gainesville, Fla., said he would accept higher taxes if it means preserving benefits, even though he's not very confident Social Security will be around for his generation.

"I think of Social Security as an investment, as a public investment almost, something more communal," Tellez said. "I feel like I would want to invest in that."

About three-quarters of the public believe Social Security is an important issue, though there is no consensus about whether people will be able to rely on it throughout their retirement. Only 30 percent said it was very likely or extremely likely they will be able to rely on Social Security.

Among people younger than 35, just 20 percent believe Social Security will provide income throughout their retirement, while 55 percent of people 65 and older said the same.

"I'm not planning on it at all, honestly," said Victory, the 26-year-old electrician.

The poll involved landline and cellphone interviews with 1,006 adults nationwide. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points.


AP News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed this report.


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EDITOR'S NOTE _ Few issues directly touch as many people in the United States as does Social Security. In this last installment of a four-part series, The Associated Press examines public attitudes about how best to shore up Social Security's long-term finances.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

German Finance Minister rejects more time for Greek reforms again

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's finance minister reaffirmed on Saturday his opposition to giving Greece more time to carry out promised reforms, a day after Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras pleaded in Berlin for "more air" to implement the painful measures.

"More time generally means more money and that very soon means a new (bailout) program," Wolfgang Schaeuble told the Tagesspiegel on Sunday newspaper, according to advance excerpts of an interview.

"That would not be the right way to solve the fundamental problems of the euro zone," added Schaeuble, noting that the current bailout program agreed at the end of 2011 totaling 130 billion euros is meant to run for three years.

"If after just half a year that were no longer to be sufficient, that would not be a confidence-building measure."

On Friday, Samaras told German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a one-day visit to Berlin that Greece needed more time, not more cash, to meet the terms of its bailout programme.

Merkel said she wanted Greece to stay in the euro zone but gave no sign of agreeing to his request.

She also said the euro zone must await a report from the 'troika' of international lenders due in October before taking further decisions on Greece - a view reiterated on Saturday by French President Francois Hollande after his talks in Paris with Samaras.

Germany, Europe's biggest economy, has grown increasingly impatient with Greece's failure to carry out reforms demanded in return for loans to stave off bankruptcy.

But a leading member of Merkel's centre-right Christian Democrats, Armin Laschet, said the question of whether Greece stayed in the euro zone carried wider implications beyond the purely economic assessment being prepared by the troika.

"(An exit) could lead to instability in a NATO member state. Russia is standing ready with billions to help Greece in such a scenario... Much more is at stake here than just the question of whether Greece meets the criteria (of its bailout)," he told Reuters in comments authorised for publication on Saturday.

Laschet criticized politicians within Germany's centre-right coalition, including Economy Minister Philipp Roesler, leader of the pro-market Free Democrats, for publicly raising the possibility of Greece leaving the euro zone.

(Reporting by Gareth Jones and Andreas Rinke, writing by Gareth Jones; Editing by Hugh Lawson)


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The Benefits Of Utilizing 3D Building Designs In Construction Practices

Youcad is a building design firm which offers excellent designs to civil engineers and interior designers to assist them in the carrying out of their job in the construction sector. It also offers web based services which makes it one of the most pre

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Tweet This The construction of any house is not an easy job. Many people are required to coordinate in order to fulfill the construction of a house or any other building, ranging from an architect to interior designers and civil engineers. The basic thing involved in the construction is the design of the building which they are planning to build. But often the case is that these people: architect, civil engineer or the interior designer might feel that the design that they are hoping to work out is not coming up well. This happens mostly because many of these people are not so well acquainted with 3D modeling.

3D modeling involves presenting one's designs using 3D animation which makes the designs come to life and make them appear almost real. It has gained much popularity in the recent times owing to the fact that they offer a number of utilities and tools in case of designing. However, the one thing that might prove to be a hindrance is that the software is not too easy to use and mastering the software in order to be able to use it properly might take years for some engineers and architects.

In such case one can hire the services of a building design firm which uses 3D modeling and other such software and services to present the ideas of an engineer or an architect in the way it was imagined by them. Nowadays, a number of designing firms are coming up which offer 3D animation services and a very well known name in this sector is Youcad.

There are several to hiring out services to Youcad which include:

* Full guidance and support

* Web based services

* Guarantee to meet deadlines

About the Submitter
About the company: Youcad is a designing firm based in central England. The team of experienced professionals at has been offering web based services to architects, civil engineers and the like over the past 3 decades which make them a well known name in this sector.

Jeny Pitter

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Special Punctuation Shortcut - Chinese - in 10.8 Mountain Lion


Member Since: Aug 23, 2012

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Special Punctuation Shortcut - Chinese - in 10.8 Mountain Lion

I regularly type Traditional Chinese using Pinyin Input.

Previously (2007 macbook - not Lion) I had a number of important punctuation marks (special quotation brackets and serial commas) set up with keyboard shortcuts that worked in most applications (including MSWord).

10.8 obviously did away with my preset shortcuts, and I can't seem to find the characters anywhere (not in special character viewer), nor can I figure out how to make a Custom Shortcut to input a special character.

Any tips?

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Chinese mechanic builds his very own Lamborghini Reventon. The car may be no...

Chinese mechanic builds his very own Lamborghini Reventon.

The car may be not as fancy as the real version and may not match its 221 mph top speed, but the bodywork is an exact replica in every other way.

There's a lesson we can see in this story: if you can't buy your dream, make it from scratch with your own hands.

Happy Friday and weekend, everyone!


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Effective SEO Tips That You Can Use Straight Away | Internet ...

Website success begins with search engine optimization. If you want to outrank your competition in search engines, you need to learn all you can about search engine optimization. You must do your homework to get ahead. The ideas presented here will help get you ahead of the curve, and help you avoid beginner mistakes.

Learn how to effectively incorporate the language you need to include in your HTML tags. Keyword usage will help you improve your SEO. Search engines look at the words that are in the title tag with more emphasis than any other content on your page. Use popular keywords as a means to generate more traffic.

You should research what keywords are going to best fit your business. When you are building your site, find what keywords work for you. Keyword research can let you know what people are searching for in your categories. To boost your search engine rankings, make sure these key items are highlighted throughout your site.

If you are contemplating hiring an outside company to do your site?s search engine optimization, research carefully before signing on. There are a lot of fly-by-night SEO and internet marketing companies out there that charge exorbitant prices for sloppy work. Read online reviews and testimonials from previous companies to make sure that the company you?re looking to hire is the real deal. Doing your homework will keep you from ending up spending money without receiving any real gains for your site.

If you want to increase your site?s page ranking, consider purchasing a previously used domain name. Search engines give more weight to domain names that have been around for two years or more. Consider searching for domain names that have been recently dropped as possibilities for your site.

To expand your customer base and bring more traffic to your site, use a product feed to boost your presence online. These feeds contain details about the services and products that you offer, like prices and item descriptions. Use feeds offered by search engines and comparison shopping pages. By using a feed reader, your customers can receive each feed as it arrives.

The world of podcasts is also something you should consider. Podcasts can have visual and audio elements. You also have the option of streaming your podcast live. Regardless of execution, ensure your podcast is full of relevant information. This format has become increasingly popular in modern times. Just be sure to properly tag your podcasts, so that they also get a good ranking in related searches.

There are many different techniques you can use to improve your search engine rankings. You will get the most results if your website is easy to use. User experience will be greatly improved as a result of increased performance.

If you use the plural form of keywords you can increase SEO. Keyword stemming is a popular technique of some search engines. For instance, choosing ?accountant? as one of your keywords means that people who type in ?accountants? or ?accounting? may not be directed to your website. If you are using a search engine that uses keyword stemming, use the longest form of the word possible.

You entire website such be easy to navigate and read. Obviously you want to obtain higher rankings so your website has to be simple, clear and easy to use. Functions that allow bold, enlarged fonts should also be used to attract the reader?s eyes. Your website should be optimized for Internet users, as well as search engine spiders.

Surveys and even games can be included on your site to help draw your target audience. People love to express their opinions through surveys, so take advantage of the fact that they want to give them to you. You should inquire about what they like to do and what their purchasing habits are. Not only will you be getting beneficial information from your consumers, but the consumer will enjoy doing the surveys.

Putting your website in a prime place to be found is what search engine optimization is all about. The article you have just read gave you multiple tips on how to make this happen for you. Applying these simple tricks will get your website noticed in no time, so increase your traffic

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Todd Akin Could Use a New Web Guy

Like promised, Todd Akin let the 5 p.m. local deadline pass. Now that he's officially still around, Akin is trying to use his website and social media to get some support. Instead, he's managing to further alienating himself from Republicans and making himself look silly. ?

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Akin is accusing the "liberal elitist media" of trying to get him to drop out, despite apologizing, in a post on Facebook. He charges the liberal media are trying to get him off the ticket, and then asks supporters to visit a new page on his website and give?a small donation and to put their signature to show their support. At press, the page?has 2168?signatures.?

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Except the calls for him to drop out are coming mostly from inside the Republican party. Mitt Romney, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus, Scott Brown, Mitch McConnell have all called for him to drop out. Those aren't small Republican potatoes.?

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Akin had particularly strong words for Mitt Romney. Romney said Akin should quit the Senate race just three hours before the deadline. Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczynski has the audio of Akin asking "Why Couldn't He Run His Race And I Run?Mine?" to Sean Hannity later on Tuesday.?Kaczynski is seriously enjoying Akin's "liberal media elite" comments, asking an Akin spokesman if Romney and Priebus count as crazy left-y journalists. ?

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Akin's Tuesday evening media rush began early with hilarious website troubles. When Akin first launched the page for his donation page, the page had multiple typos and a picture of a fetus next to where you submit your information. There was a typo in the headline when it was first put up. Akin used "your" when he should have used "you're." It was updated three times, at one point fixing one type and adding another, before the copy was clean and the picture of the fetus was removed.?

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And the charge that any media member on either side of the spectrum would want Akin out of the race is ludicrous. The guy is constantly producing new material for bloggers and journalists to work with. As Mother Jones' Tim Murphy tweeted, and Politico's Dave Weigel retweeted, shortly after the deadline, "RELEASE THE AKIN" Not exactly the joke someone trying to get you to drop out of a race would make, is it? Akin is going to continue, and he's going to say things, and journalists and bloggers are going to cling to him. Akin isn't going away. He's a national story now. We're stuck with him.

But, as Daily Intel's Dan Amira points out, all hope is not lost. There is still a chance Akin won't be on the ballot in November, but he'll have to pay the cost if he wants to quit, now. Akin only need court approval, and it's free if you want it, to drop out. The deadline is September 25. If he wants to go this route, the catch is he has to pay to get the ballots reprinted.?


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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