Monday, September 10, 2012


Posted by Gaynor Alder on Sunday, September 9, 2012 ? 1 Comment?

As part of our new online business series, NET:101 in conjunction with The Modern Woman?s Survival Guide is offering you the chance to win 1 of 8 ?Social Media and Internet Marketing for Business? courses valued at $695 each.

Social media and internet marketing has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for business. Mums are earning income from blogging and quitting their jobs so they can work from home and have a better lifestyle for their family, and entrepreneurs with a creative vision are able to turn ideas into a profitable online business to escape the 9 to 5 grind.

Perhaps you?re inspired by this, but even though you have a personal Facebook profile and tweet about your breakfast, you?re not sure how to effectively utilise digital media in a business sense? Or perhaps you, your mum or your aunty missed the social media wave and are feeling left behind in a world that seems to be operating in a whole new paradigm. Or maybe you?re in between ? you have a blog or a website but want to take it to the next level in order to generate revenue from it.

Tim Martin, Director of NET:101 has created a course that educates and inspires participants with the possibilities that exist in this exciting and evolving realm of digital media. It provides a solid overview of the fundamentals, empowering you to unlock that one thing that drives you and leverage these tools to turn it into reality.


  • Mechanics of Twitter
  • Facebook branding and campaign pages
  • Anatomy of blogging and 7 point strategy
  • Uploading and embedding You Tube videos
  • Building networks on LinkedIn
  • Google+ brand pages and building ?circles?
  • Pining and repining images on Pinterest
  • Content Management Systems for publishing on the web
  • Powerful search marketing techniques including SEO, keywords and meta tags
  • Using Google Analytics for analysis of web traffic
  • Online content marketing and how to dominate your niche

A popular keynote speaker, founder of training exchange hub The Transfer Station and demonstrated expertise driving online projects and start ups, Tim established NET:101 in 2009, and has since delivered training to over 2000 Australian businesses and individuals including Nestle, Beyond Blue, Brown Brothers, Lifeline and The Cancer Institute.

Tim says, ?To make the web work at any level, it?s important to know the base elements you?re going to be working with. Capable cooks for example don?t slavishly follow other people?s recipes ? they experiment with logical combinations of elemental flavours and textures to produce their desired dishes. Social media and the internet generally are no different ? get to know your core ingredients first, then start experimenting with endless combinations.?



NET:101 Course Information

NET:101 Blog

NET:101 Facebook

Tim Martin on Twitter


Leave a comment below and tell us in 50 words or less what your dream business idea is and how your life would change as a result of it?

20 finalists will be chosen by The Modern Woman?s Survival Guide and readers will vote for the 8 winners.

Terms & Conditions of Entry

  1. Entries close on September 23rd at 12:00pm E.S.T. Finalists will be announced on September 24th and voting will be open until 14th October at 12:00pm E.S.T.
  2. Finalists will be allowed to promote their entry via social media, however a promotional statement will be provided in order to ensure the integrity of the competition is honoured and is fair for all finalists.
  3. The prize will be delivered in the format of a voucher which can be redeemed online for a period of 1 year following the winner?s announcement.
  4. The prize is not redeemable for cash.
  5. The judge?s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to.
  6. Participants are responsible for their own transport to and from the course.


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