Wednesday, October 31, 2012

State says go home and sleep, 24/7 Egypt resists

CAIRO (AP) ? Egypt's capital prides itself on being city that never sleeps, with crowds filling cafes and shops open into till the small hours. So, the government is facing a backlash from businesses and the public as it vows to impose new nationwide rules closing stores and restaurants early.

Officials say the step is necessary to conserve electricity in a nation buckling under economic crisis and fuel shortages. But the decision has a strong undercurrent of social control: A desire by secular conservatives and Islamists alike to tame a population they see as too unruly, especially in a post-revolution atmosphere of strikes, protests and relentless demands on a beleaguered government.

Simply put, officials say, Egyptians should stop thinking they can do whatever they want, should go to sleep early and work in the morning.

"Egyptian life has turned nocturnal. Egypt should not be a nocturnal state, but a morning state like all countries," Legal Affairs Minister Mohammed Mahsoub, an Islamist, told reporters on Wednesday. "Energy, endeavor, labor and working hard should be the foundation."

"I call on all those thinking of opposing this to think about themselves ? when should they wake up and go to sleep and when do their kids go to bed and wake up," he said. "This is really a behavioral issue."

He and other officials said the regulations will come into effect on Saturday. Under the new rules, shops would be required to close at 10 p.m. and restaurants and cafes at midnight. Businesses that have a tourism license ? which comes at a fee ? would be exempted, meaning that most bars and upscale restaurants would stay open later. Violators would face a fine and, if they persist, closure.

But many are furious over what they see as an outright violation of the nation's psyche.

The proposed regulation has dominated the national conversation for weeks. Opponents, including chambers of commerce around the country, warn that it will damage an already suffering economy. Those who work night shifts will lose their jobs and, with Egyptians unable to shop late, sales will be stifled and small businesses will be forced to lay off workers, they say.

Others argue that it is biased against the poor, given that venues catering to rich Egyptians will be able to get tourist licenses ? which are not necessarily linked to actual business with tourists ? at a time when small business owners are struggling to make ends meet because of the economic crisis.

"I wish that President Mohammed Morsi would make decisions that put the poor people ahead of the rich," said Ibrahim Mohammed, referring to the country's Islamist leader, now in his fourth month in office. Mohammed owns a street kiosk that sells cookies and cigarettes in central Cairo and stays open until midnight.

Opponents argue it will be virtually be impossible to enforce. Cairo, home to an estimated 18 million people, has hundreds of thousands of small businesses found on almost every street, alley and lane. Some, like eateries, juice shops and pharmacies, never close. Night-owl Egyptians are accustomed to being able to buy virtually anything, while away the time at a coffee shop or even get a haircut at any time of night.

Some warn that penalties could even spark violence at a time when Morsi's government is struggling to restore law and order amid the turmoil since last year's fall of longtime leader Hosni Mubarak.

"Maybe the government will try to force this on us, but that will never work with Egyptians," said Anwar Eid, whose spices and dry goods store in Cairo's middle class Dokki district has been in the family for seven generations.

In the working class neighborhood of Imbaba, a waiter at a street cafe that's open 24 hours was fuming.

"What are the people who work the late night shifts supposed to do? Our salaries will go down. How will we find more work?" Ibrahim Saeed said. "We already have problems with unemployment and with crime. How will this help? The government issues decisions and that's it, they don't say why."

Officials have presented the regulation as a vital energy-saving step. Egypt has been plagued by widespread electricity cutoffs, in part because of overburdening on its facilities, just one of multiple breakdowns in the nation's infrastructure. Moreover, the government is trying to reduce crushing budget deficits as it struggles to revive an economy hard-hit since last year's revolution ? and fuel for power plants is a heavy cost.

Local Development Minister Ahmed Zaki Abdin, a non-Islamist who served as a provincial governor under Mubarak, said closing up earlier would save the government more than $1 billion a year ? though opponents have questioned whether the move would really conserve much energy.

But the move goes beyond economics to try to impose some control over a society in chaos.

"You can't have people staying up all night in cafes. People should be going to bed early so they can do their work," Abdin insisted.

"We can't just keep on doing whatever we want whenever we want ... We're passing through tough circumstances. We have an economic crisis. We have an energy shortage. We have problems everywhere, strikes, unrest, demands. Can't anyone make a compromise?" he said in a TV interview this month.

Past governments have made attempts to regulate business hours in hopes of injecting a semblance of order to Cairo. But in the end, they backed down in the face of business opposition and public uproar. Some are convinced Morsi's government will do the same.

If implemented, the regulation could become an issue in parliamentary elections now expected early next year, as parties try to appeal to small businessmen and their employees angry over the early closing hours.

"This regulation is a huge mistake," said Ashraf Shaaban, who runs a falafel sandwich in Imbaba. "It is against the nature of the Egyptian people. We stay up late. We don't want a curfew."

As he quickly whipped up sandwiches for a line of customers, he added: "If men spend their evenings at home rather than at cafes, the population will grow. There will be more babies."

"Morsi is insulting the people!" shouted one of his customers.


Associated Press correspondents Sarah El Deeb and Lee Keath contributed to this report.


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Progress finally has caught up with the major art auction houses. Consider this carefully. You are reading that Christie?s and Sotheby?s death sentence is about to be carried out. It is time for the art industry to either be ready for the future or be left behind??The concept of selling art at auction houses is an anachronism that has been held up by the traditions of art sales that have supported old forms and stodgy protocols for how to connect buyers and sellers.

The technology revolution is pretty much decimating every storied seller in every industry and the art auction houses are not immune to the revolution. It was inevitable. The auction house, a middleman that earns commissions that average 25 percent, has marked its own grave through its inefficiency. Just as fast the Internet destroyed newspapers, the auction houses soon will be relegated to a footnote in the annals of history where the list of businesses that have died due to poor business judgment grows larger by the second.

For some, it is an incredible assertion that auction houses are dead when Sotheby?s and Christie?s have had recent record sales, but those who question these facts have not looked carefully at global auctions. While on its face, during the past five years gross auction market sales have been steady in terms of gross sales, closer scrutiny shows that the market has been buoyed by sales at the top 1 percent of the market which are not sustainable over time.?To put this in perspective consider that in 2007 the global auction market reached its peak at $31.2 billion dollars while sales in 2011 were $29.9 billion dollars. The recent numbers, however, are misleading because of record prices such as Giacometti?s L?Homme qui marche at $104 million dollars and Munch?s The Scream at $119.9 million. It is probable that in a healthier economic environment these prices would have not been achieved. In the art jargon, the Giacometti and Munch pieces are called objects of passion, which are ?trophies? purchased by the super rich. According to Art Price, 58 percent of the total auction market revenue in 2011 came from 1% of all lots, i.e., the over inflated trophy art sales.?Record prices for these trophy pieces certainly do not reflect the general market. For example, according to Clare McAndrew, of the 36.8 million art transactions in 2011 only 1,680 lots were valued over $1 million dollars. The bottomline is that the amount of auction market sales are misleading.

The simple fact is that auction houses have onerous overhead, which they are afraid to shed. You cannot blame them, but they have marked their own graves. Theirs is a fate that they can neither avoid nor, as their actions show, wish to avoid.?You do not need to be Nostradamus to predict the future the art world. It is happening as this article is being written. Art funds are growing in value and in number. What began as an investment experiment in the late 70s has now been accepted as an institutionalized investment vehicle. Moreover, art funds have the resources to attract highly valued art portfolios and to form synergies with all the players of the art market, while auction houses are stepping on everybody ?s toes.

Internet sales are changing the infrastructure of the market; in the last couple of years they have had a slow but steady growth. On average 5% of the auction bidding and 10% of dealer sales are done online. Furthermore, Internet has increased the amount of information available to the public creating a more transparent and competitive environment.?You don?t have to be in a high level meeting at Christie?s or Sotheby?s to know that they also can imagine the future. They are choosing their gravesite and they don?t want you to know what they are doing.

Ask the auction houses this question: Why do we need you? What are you doing for me? The answer is increasing irrelevant as the auction houses try to hold onto a position that already has been rendered irrelevant. This means the auction houses are blinded by self-preservation and cannot be trusted when asked to evaluate your artworks because they have such a high stake in the art that is being sold.

So what is the future? The traditional brick and mortar auction houses are dead; it is not a matter of if, but just how soon. Auction houses are an anachronism born of an age before the Internet and proficient computer users. In the past, an auction house was an important location to connect a buyer and a seller. It was a place where accurate and real market prices were set. A seller was willing to pay a premium because there were limited means to reach buyers. But those days are gone. The auction house is an expensive middleman that has become an unnecessary transaction cost.?The future is an art exchange with lower overhead where commissions will almost be zero. It will look more like the New York Stock Exchange than Ebay or Amazon, but there is no doubt that the art market already has moved in this direction. Paintings will arrive in a centralized location, be catalogued and inspected by experts, and then sales will be conducted.


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

WDEL 1150AM - Helpful hints to hurricane-proof your home

Helpful hints to hurricane-proof your home

Updated Friday, October 26, 2012 - 2:17pmGear up for Hurricane Sandy before she hits. WDEL's Amy Cherry has some helpful hints for homeowners.

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Your home's foundation is the most important piece. To make sure it's still one piece after a storm the first thing you should do is take a look outside.

"Let's get any branches any large limbs cut back that are surrounding your home so that we don't have the risk of those coming, crashing down," says Tom Kraeutler of the "Money Pit" home improvement radio show heard Saturdays on WDEL.

Click here to listen

With two to three months worth of torrential rains from Sandy hitting us over three days, Kraeutler also recommends taking a look at your gutters and downspouts.

"Make sure they're clean and free flowing. You've got to manage the water when we get this level of rain, and if you keep it away from your foundation, you're likely to reduce the amount of flooding that you could get in your crawlspace or your basement," says Kraeutler.

Click here to listen

Copyright ? Oct 27, 2012, WDEL/Delmarva Broadcasting Company. All Rights Reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Damascus shelled hours before scheduled truce

BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) - Damascus residents reported artillery barrages by Syrian troops hours before Friday's scheduled start of a ceasefire to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

They said that on Thursday night troops stationed on a mountain overlooking the Syrian capital targeted Hajar al-Aswad, a poor neighborhood inhabited by refugees from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

"Consecutive artillery volleys from Qasioun shook my home," said Omar, an engineer who lives in al-Muhajereen district on a foothill of the mountain.

On Thursday a Free Syrian Army commander gave qualified backing to the truce, proposed by U.N.-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, but he demanded that President Bashar al-Assad free detainees. An Islamist group said it was not committed to the truce, but may halt operations if the army did.

Brahimi proposed the temporary truce to stem, however briefly, the bloodshed in a conflict which erupted as popular protests in March last year and has escalated into a civil war which activists say has killed more than 32,000 people.

The fighting pits mainly Sunni Muslim rebels against Assad, from the Alawite faith which is linked to Shi'ite Islam, and threatens to draw in regional Sunni Muslim and Shi'ite powers and engulf the whole Middle East, Brahimi has warned.

"On the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Adha, the general command of the army and armed forces announces a halt to military operations on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, from Friday morning ... until Monday," an army statement read on state television said.

It reserved the right to respond if "the armed terrorist groups open fire on civilians and government forces, attack public and private properties, or use car bombs and explosives".

It would also respond to any reinforcement or re-supplying of rebel units, or smuggling of fighters from neighboring countries "in violation of their international commitments to combat terrorism".

Qassem Saadeddine, head of the military council in Homs province and spokesman for the FSA joint command, said his fighters were committed to the truce.

"But we not allow the regime to reinforce its posts. We demand the release of the detainees, the regime should release them by tomorrow morning," he said.

Abu Moaz, spokesman for Ansar al-Islam, said the Islamist group doubted Assad's forces would observe the truce, though it might suspend operations if they did.

"We do not care about this truce. We are cautious. If the tanks are still there and the checkpoints are still there then what is the truce?" he said of the organization, which includes several brigades fighting in the capital and Damascus province.

Brahimi's predecessor, former U.N. chief Kofi Annan, declared a ceasefire in Syria on April 12, but it soon became a dead letter, along with the rest of his six-point peace plan.

Violence has intensified since then, with daily death tolls compiled by opposition monitoring groups often exceeding 200.


U.N. aid agencies have geared up to take advantage of any window of opportunity provided by a ceasefire to go to areas that have been difficult to reach due to fighting, a U.N. official in Geneva said.

"UN agencies have been preparing rapidly to scale up especially in areas that have been difficult to reach due to active conflict and which may become accessible as a result of these developments," he told Reuters.

The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR said that it had prepared emergency kits for distribution for up to 13,000 families - an estimated 65,000 people - in previously inaccessible areas including Homs and the northeastern city of Hassaka.

"We and our partners want to be in a position to move quickly if security allows over the next few days," UNHCR Syria Representative Tarik Kurdi in Damascus said in a statement.

The U.N. World Food Programme has identified 90,000 people in 21 hotspots from Aleppo to Homs and Latakia in need food parcels and will try to reach them through local agencies, the U.N. official said.


On Thursday rebels seized two northern districts in Syria's largest city, Aleppo, activists said.

"We have just liberated Ashrafiyeh and the Syriac quarter," a rebel fighter said, referring to areas which had been held by Kurdish militias and troops loyal to Assad.

Rebels were still fighting around the Rahman Mosque district and trying to besiege a security building, he added.

Activists said at least 14 people were killed. It was not clear if the dead were fighters or civilians.

Later on Thursday activists reported that the Aleppo districts of al-Shaar, Bani Zeid and Saladin had come under army bombardment.

They also said there had been heavy fighting in the last few hours near Tel Kalakh, situated near the Lebanese border west of Homs where the army had used heavy artillery to hit the Sunni rebel stronghold.

In Geneva, Carla del Ponte, a former United Nations war crimes prosecutor, vowed on Thursday to bring to justice high-level Syrian political or military figures who may have ordered or committed war crimes.

Del Ponte, who has joined a team of U.N. human rights investigators on Syria, said she would help compile evidence which could be used in an international tribunal or Syrian national court.

(Writing by Dominic Evans; Additional reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Amman; Editing by Stephen Powell)


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Berlusconi denounces fraud verdict as 'political'

FILE - In this Sept. 27, 2012 file photo, Italian former premier Silvio Berlusconi reacts during a press conference in Rome, Italy. A court in Italy has convicted, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, former Premier Silvio Berlusconi of tax fraud and sentenced him to four years in prison. In Italy, cases must pass two levels of appeal before the verdicts are final. Berlusconi is expected to appeal. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 27, 2012 file photo, Italian former premier Silvio Berlusconi reacts during a press conference in Rome, Italy. A court in Italy has convicted, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, former Premier Silvio Berlusconi of tax fraud and sentenced him to four years in prison. In Italy, cases must pass two levels of appeal before the verdicts are final. Berlusconi is expected to appeal. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino, File)

In this photo released by the Berlusconi press office Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi tapes a video message where he announces he will not run for a fourth term as premier in spring elections. Berlusconi has until now been coy about his intentions. But the three-time former premier posted a statement on his movement's website yesterday, under the headline: "I won't run for premier.", following today with a video where he confirmes his intentions. (AP Photo/Livio Anticoli, Berlusconi press office)

FILE - In this Sept. 27, 2012 file photo, Italian former premier Silvio Berlusconi wipes his forehead during a press conference in Rome, Italy. A court in Italy has convicted, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, former Premier Silvio Berlusconi of tax fraud and sentenced him to four years in prison. In Italy, cases must pass two levels of appeal before the verdicts are final. Berlusconi is expected to appeal. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 9, 2011 file photo, Italian former premier Silvio Berlusconi grimaces during a press conference in Rome, Italy. A court in Italy has convicted, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, former Premier Silvio Berlusconi of tax fraud and sentenced him to four years in prison. In Italy, cases must pass two levels of appeal before the verdicts are final. Berlusconi is expected to appeal. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito, File)

File- In this Thursday, March 8, 2012 file photo, then Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, left, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, center, and then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, right, smile during their meeting in the mountain resort of Krasnaya Polyana near the Black Sea resort of Sochi, southern Russia. A court in Italy has convicted former Premier Silvio Berlusconi of tax fraud and sentenced him to four-years in prison. Berlusconi is expected to appeal. (AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Dmitry Astakhov, Presidential Press Service)

(AP) ? A Milan court on Friday convicted former Premier Silvio Berlusconi of tax fraud and sentenced the media mogul to four years in prison ? a verdict that could see him barred from public office for five years.

The 76-year-old billionaire businessman ? who just two days ago said he would not run in Italy's spring election ? is expected to remain free until the appeals process is exhausted. In Italy, cases must pass two levels of appeal before verdicts are final.

Prosecutors had brought the case against Berlusconi and 10 other co-defendants over the purchase of rights to broadcast U.S. films on Berlusconi's Mediaset empire.

In addition to the prison sentence, the court said Berlusconi could not hold public office for five years or manage any company for three years, penalties that would take force only if the conviction is upheld.

"It is a political conviction that I can define perfectly well as incredible and intolerable," Berlusconi said in a phone call to his Italia 1 private network.

He denied that there was any connection between this case and his decision to step aside and allow another center-right candidate to seek the premiership.

"My lawyers and I never thought that such a conviction would be possible," he said.

Berlusconi has been convicted of lesser crimes in past trials, but they have always been thrown out on appeal. Other criminal investigations against him on charges including corruption have ended in acquittal or were thrown out because the statute of limitations had expired. He is also on trial in Milan on a charge of paying for sex with an underage Moroccan teen and trying to cover it up.

The court read its reasons for the fraud conviction immediately Friday, a rare event as judges have 90 days to write them. It's a sign they want to speed the case along to the appellate level before the charges expire ? sometime next year or in early 2014.

Berlusconi wasn't in the courtroom. In a statement, his lawyers denounced the verdict as "absolutely incredible" and said they would appeal.

For nearly 20 years, Berlusconi has dominated the Italian political scene. His star began to lose its luster, however, after a sex scandal pushed him into another trial in the same Milan courthouse and the European debt crisis effectively forced him out of office last November.

Berlusconi's designated political heir as the head of the center-right party he leads, Angelino Alfano, blasted Friday's verdict as "incomprehensible" and said he is confident an appeals court will throw out the conviction.

In this and other cases against him, the conservative Berlusconi has described himself as the innocent victim of prosecutors whom he contends sympathize with the left.

Prosecutors allege the 11 defendants were behind a scheme to purchase the rights to broadcast U.S. movies on Berlusconi's private television networks through a series of offshore companies and had falsely declared the payments to avoid taxes. They said the defendants then inflated the price for the TV rights of some 3,000 films as they relicensed them internally to Berlusconi's networks, pocketing the difference amounting to around ?250 million.

Berlusconi and three others were convicted, including a Hollywood producer, Frank Agrama, who received a three-year sentence.

Three other defendants were acquitted, including a close associate of Berlusconi's, Fedele Confalonieri, the chairman of Mediaset.

Four defendants were cleared because statute of limitations had run out on their charges.

Berlusconi and the three others convicted must deposit a total of ?10 million ($13 million) into a court-ordered fund while the appeals proceed.

In the other trial playing out in the Milan courthouse, Berlusconi is charged with paying for sex with an underage woman and trying to cover it up. He denies wrongdoing.

Berlusconi is not the first former Italian premier to be convicted on criminal charges.

Former Socialist Premier Bettino Craxi eluded an arrest warrant and turned up at his villa in Tunisia in 1994 after a court in Italy charged him in a massive corruption case. He was tried in absentia, convicted and sentenced to 8 1/2 years in prison. He never returned to Italy and died in exile. Craxi was considered Berlusconi's mentor thanks to his opening up Italy to private television from a state monopoly.

Former seven-time Christian Democrat premier, Giulio Andreotti, was convicted of involvement in a Mafia-murder but he was cleared on appeal and never went to jail.

Associated Press


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19 Standout Groups Stopping Domestic Violence | Greatist


Domestic Abuse

We like to keep things pretty light-hearted here at Greatist, but some topics just can?t be spun in an amusing way. Domestic violence is one of ?em: It?s not really something people enjoy talking about, and it?s certainly not something we can make jokes about. But not talking about it doesn?t make it go away. Domestic Violence (or DV) is incredibly common, both in the U.S. and around the world. October is national Domestic Violence Awareness Month, so Greatist put together a list of organizations working to assist survivors, develop legal policies, and educate people about domestic violence ? and what we can do to end it.

Domestic Violence Defined ? The Need-to-Know

Domestic violence can be defined as patterns of behavior in a relationship used to gain power and control over a partner. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or some combination of the above. It can happen to anyone of any gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, profession, education, or socioeconomic background (though women are much more likely than men to be victimized), and within couples who are married, living together, or dating.

The prevalence of domestic violence is sobering:

  • Nearly one in four women in the U.S. reports experiencing violence by a current or former spouse or boyfriend at some point in her life.
  • On average, three women are killed every day as a result of domestic violence. More than 40 percent of female murder victims are killed by their husbands or boyfriends.
  • Data collected in 2005 found that women experience two million injuries from partner violence each year.
  • Women ages 20 to 24 are at the greatest risk of experiencing nonfatal intimate partner violence.They also experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault.
  • More than 80 percent of victims of domestic violence are women. About 75 percent of the people who commit domestic violence are male.
  • Women who have experienced domestic violence are much more likely to have a stroke, develop heart disease, develop asthma, and drink heavily than women who haven?t experienced DV. Sexual and domestic violence is also linked to a range of reproductive health issues, including sexually transmitted infections and HIV, miscarriages, and risky sexual health behavior.

In short, domestic violence is relevant to the health of individuals, families, and societies. Let?s check out a host of organizations (in alphabetical order) working to eliminate this violence through a wide range of perspectives and methods.

Organizations Supporting Survivors and Awareness of Domestic Violence

  1. American Bar Association Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence: The Commission seeks to address domestic and sexual violence from a legal perspective. Its mission is to increase access to justice for survivors of DV, sexual assault, and stalking by engaging the interest and support of members of the legal profession.
  2. Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence: The API Institute is a national resource center focused on gender-based violence (DV, sexual violence, and trafficking) in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. It addresses these issues by increasing awareness, strengthening community strategies for prevention and intervention, and promoting research and policy.
  3. Battered Women?s Justice Project: BWJP offers DV-related training, technical assistance, and consultation to members of the criminal and civil justice systems. The Project analyzes and advocates for effective policing, prosecuting, sentencing, and monitoring of perpetrators of domestic violence.
  4. Child Welfare League of America: CWLA is comprised of a coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies serving at-risk children and families. The League works to advances policies and strategies that promote safe, stable families and assist children, youth, and adults whose families don?t meet those criteria.
  5. Equality Now: Working with grassroots organizations and activists, Equality Now seeks to protect and promote the human rights of women and girls all over the world by documenting violence and discrimination against women and mobilizing efforts to stop these abuses.
  6. Futures Without Violence: FWV aims to advance the health, stability, education, and security of women, men, girls, and boys worldwide. To that end, the organization was a big player in developing the Violence Against Women Act (passed by Congress in 1994) and continues to work with policy makers and train professionals (doctors, nurses, athletic coaches, and judges) to improve responses to DV and educate people about the importance of healthy relationships.
  7. INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence: INCITE! describes itself as a ?national activist organization of radical feminists of color advancing a movement to end violence against women of color and our communities.? Comprised of grassroots chapters across the U.S., the organization works with groups of women of color and their communities to develop political projects that address the violence women of color may experience both within their communities and individual lives.
  8. Institute of Domestic Violence in the African American Community: Run out of the University of Minnesota, the Institute has several clearly defined objectives: to further scholarship in the area of African American violence; to provide outreach and technical assistance to African American communities experiencing violence; to raise awareness about the impacts of violence in African American communities; to influence public policy; and to organize violence-related trainings on local and national scales.
  9. Jewish Women International: JWI seeks to empower women and girls through economic literacy, community trainings, and education about healthy relationships. The organization aims to end violence against women by advocating for policies focused on violence prevention and reproductive rights, developing philanthropic initiatives along similar lines, and inspiring ?the next generation of leaders? by recognizing and celebrating women?s achievements.
  10. Manavi: Manavi, which means ?primal woman? in Sanskrit, is a women?s rights organization committed to ending violence and exploitation committed against South Asian women living in the U.S. The organization provides direct service to survivors of violence, grassroots organization aimed at changing communities, and awareness programs on local and national levels.
  11. Mending the Sacred Hoop: Relying on grassroots efforts, MSH works to end violence against Native women and children. Their overarching mission is ?restore the sovereignty and leadership of Native women?; they seek to do so through technical assistance projects and organizing Native women to advocate for the end of violence.
  12. National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence: A national training organization, NCDSV works to influence national policy and provides customized training and consultation to professionals working in fields that might influence domestic violence.
  13. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: NCADV works from the premise that violence against women and children results from the abuse of power on all scales, from intimate relationships to societal issues like sexism, racism, and homophobia. Therefore, NCADV advocates for major societal changes that will eliminate both personal and social violence for all people by building coalitions, supporting shelter programs, providing public education, and developing policies and legislation.
  14. National Domestic Violence Hotline: The Hotline provides 24-hour support and crisis intervention to victims and survivors of DV through safety planning, advocacy, resources, and a supportive ear.
  15. National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (ALIANZA): Allianza is a network of organizations addressing the needs of Latino/a families and communities by promoting understanding, dialogue, and solutions that aim to eliminate domestic violence in Latino communities.
  16. National Network to End Domestic Violence: NNEDV is an advocacy organization made up of state domestic violence coalitions and allied organizations and individuals. The organization works closely with its members to understand the needs of domestic violence victims and programs, and then voices those needs to national policymakers.
  17. The Northwest Network: Founded by lesbian survivors of domestic, the NW Network works to end abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities and to support and empower all survivors through education and advocacy.
  18. Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN): RAINN is the nation?s largest anti-sexual violence organization. The Network created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE) and operates the Department of Defense?s Safe Helpline. The organization also runs programs to prevent sexual violence, assist survivors, and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
  19. V-Day: Founded by author Eve Ensler and activists from New York City, V-Day is a global activist movement seeking to end violence against women and girls. The organization stages creative events? most famously, The Vagina Monologues and the documentary Until the Violence Stops ? to increase awareness, raise funds, and support other anti-violence organizations.

How Are We Relevant? ? Your Action Plan

Want to help out? Start by getting in touch with any of the organizations listed above; they can point people to volunteer opportunities across the country. We?ve also put together a list of other ways to show support:

Got anything else to add? Share in the comments below, or get in touch with the author on Twitter @LauraNewc.

Photo: Bigstock?


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Price Waterhouse Cooper estimates that 70% of companies that suffer a critical data loss go out of business within 12 months. The following cloud based file storage services willl prevent this from happening to your business and contribute to the long term success of your business online.

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1. DropBox

Cloud File Storage - Dropbox

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Founded in 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, two MIT students tired of emailing files to themselves, today, it is used? by more than 50 million users across the world who want 24/7 access to their files.

Free Option:

Storage: 2GB free and 500MB per referral

2. Google drive

Free Cloud Storage - Google Drive


Google Drive is another free Google service that lets you store all your files including documents, photos, videos and Google Docs online and access them anywhere. It is integrated into Google Docs making it ideal for you if you already use Gmail or Google Apps for business.

Free Option:

5GB free

3. SugarSync

SugarSync? provides access to all your folders and files from wherever you are. It doesn?t provide online file storage but also automatically syncs your folders and files to the Cloud and to all your devices, making sure important files are not overwritten or duplicated.

4. Bitcasa

With Bitcasa, you can store all your data, including entire external drives and never have to worry about storage again. Bitcasa offers additional safety and encrypts your data before storing it in cloud so you don?t have to worry about them getting into the wrong hands.

5. Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.Amazon is best known for its low cost and its multiple data center locations. You can use S3 to run your websites, operate your own e-commerce business efficiently, store dynamic data, or use as DR storage for your entire business.

Free Option:

5 GB free

6. iCloud

iCloud does more than store your content ? it lets you access your music, photos, calendars, contacts, documents, and more, from whatever device you?re on. And it?s built into every new iOS device and every new Mac. It is also available for PC?s.

Free Option:

5GB of free storage.

7. Skydrive

Skydrive is a clud file storage service by Microsoft. It lets you store any file on your SkyDrive and it?s automatically available from your phone and computers?no syncing or cables needed. With SkyDrive storage, you?ll never be without the documents, notes, photos, and videos that matter to you.

SkyDrive works on your devices with a free download. Or you can sign in and get to your files at

Free Option:

Free 7 GB of SkyDrive storage

8. Box

Box lets you store all of your content online, so you can access, manage and share it from anywhere. Integrate Box with Google Apps and Salesforce and access Box on mobile devices. Box also provides everything you need to collaborate on content online by inviting others to view, edit and more.

Free Option:

5GB free

9.Just Cloud

Professional Cloud Storage from JustCloud is Simple, Fast and Unlimited. Just Cloud will automatically backup all your documents, photos, music, videos and more to the cloud so you are never without files again. You can also sync all your files across your computers and devices.

Free Option:

Claims to offer unlimited storage space.

10. Symform

Symform is a better way to back up all of your files to the cloud. Users pay with Bytes instead of Bucks, contributing excess local drive space to the network in exchange for cloud data backup. You can get unlimited cloud backup for FREE as long as you maintain a 2:1 ratio of local contribution to cloud space used.

Free Option:
Up to 10GB


CLoud based file storage is an essential part of operating your business efficiently. It lets you boost business productivity by providing a more efficient way to manage your files and folders. You can take advantage of the free cloud based file storage services above to make sure your valuable business data is secure and easily accessible from anywhere. Paid versions are also available for the above services but the free version can be easily sufficient in many situations.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Up Snowboards Carries The Latest In Snowboards And Boots, For ...

When youre pushing your riding to the edge you need a snowboard that can keep up with you. Many rental shops carry boards designed for rental fleets. Not at Up Snowboards in Aspen, Colorado, we carry the best snowboards available for rent and for purchase in our shop. We dont feel just because you are on a rental board that your mountain experience should be compromised, in fact chances are you can leave your board at home and ride something with higher performance from our shop. With the cost of traveling with gear on airlines the way it is today this sounds like a better option.

Lets talk brands, Up Snowboards Aspen shop carries some of the best-known brands in snowboarding, brands that have been around since the beginning and pioneered riding for decades. Names you know and trust for quality and performance such as Ride, GNU and Rossignol.

Ride Snowboards has been making sticks for 20 years that is history you can rely on, with team riders like Sebastien Toutant and Darrell Mathes you know these boards have to be top of the line. Check out the Machete boards for strong aggressive rides that can keep up with the strongest riders on the hill.

GNU has been making boards since 1977 and pioneered the sidecut when everybody else was still riding straight boards, and with the likes of the legendary Danny Kass on the team you are sure these boards rip. Check out the Impossible series from GNU, more technology than any board ever with a magenesium fiber core.

The new Rossignol has been synomous with quality in the ski world for decades, it has brought that same commitment to quality and all those year experience to its snowboard line. Check out the Rossi line with Magne-Traction, it edges hard and offer incredible grip, edge-to-edge response is impressive and the snap will put you over the top!

Ready to try something new for a ride, we have the Aspen local company High Society Freeride snowboard line in the house! A full line of sticks build by local riders for these mountains. These guys know what works here cause they ride here. Maybe check out there all-mountain ride the Empire on your next visit to Aspen Highlands.

We also carry boards with Rocker technology, give these a shot for a whole different riding experience.

Lastly lets not forget boots, if your feet are not comfortable you cant ride your best, and the DC Judge BOA system is the best most comfortable boot we can find. For the ultimate in performance, comfort and fit you can count on this boot in your bindings.

About the Author:
Up Snowboards board shop carries the best snowboard gear available not only in there sales but in there snowboard rental fleet. You want the best come by our shop in Aspen.


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The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh in a group photograph with the Heads of Central Public Sector Enterprises, in New Delhi on October 23, 2012. The Union Finance Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram, the Union Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterpri

The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh in a group photograph with the Heads of Central Public Sector Enterprises, in New Delhi on October 23, 2012. The Union Finance Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram, the Union Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Shri Praful Patel, the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia and the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and Prime Minister?s Office, Shri V. Narayanasamy are also seen.

Photo no.CNR - 45910


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Our iPad Mini Mega-Meta Liveblog Bonanza Kicks Off at 12PM EDT/9AM PDT

Brian Barrett
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Our iPad Mini Mega-Meta Liveblog Bonanza Kicks Off at 12PM EDT/9AM PDTThis afternoon, Apple will finally lift the veil on its iPad Mini, lock in new iTunes goodies, and maybe intro a new iMac or two. And we'll be covering it all right here.

While you may think you know what the iPad looks like by now, nothing's official until Tim Cook waves it around in front of that adoring crowd. And Apple's always got some a surprise or two in store. So join us, won't you?

The event starts at one, so read up on our predictions here, then join along the meta-liveblog fun here starting at 12PM E#T/9AM P#T.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Baltimore Tourism Group Backs Expanded Gambling ? CBS Baltimore

Latest Polls
National General Election

Obama???????? 49% Romney?????? 46%

Source: ABC News/ Wash Post 10/10-13

Second Presidential Debate

Romney?????? 30% Obama???????? 37%

Source: CBS News Uncommitted Voters

National General Election

Obama???????? 48% Romney ? ? ? 49%

Source: Rasmussen 10/14-16

BALTIMORE (WJZ) ? Time is ticking on the upcoming election and the clock is running out to sway voters on expanding gambling in Maryland. Now, as Gigi Barnett reports, the referendum to bring table games to the state is getting support from the tourism industry. Supporters say more gambling means more visitors to Baltimore.

?I think it will be a good thing for the state of Maryland,? said one ad.

?The big losers are Maryland taxpayers,? counters a different ad.

Whether for or against Question 7 on the upcoming ballot, voters are a little more than two weeks away from hitting the polls. Television ads?worth millions?are overtaking the airwaves. It?s in this time crunch that one group for expanded gambling in the city is backing Question 7.

?Harrah?s and Caesar?s are going to come to town,? said Tom Noonan.

Tom Noonan runs Visit Baltimore, the city?s main tourism arm. He says bigger games mean more tourists to Baltimore and greater job numbers.

?People will come to town and stay in hotel rooms and obviously go gambling and use restaurants. For us, it?s all about growing the tourism industry,? Noonan said.

And whether the city is planning to build its new casino makes a big difference, according to Noonan. It?s set to sit right next to M&T Bank Stadium and Oriole Park.

?That?s a great one-two punch together. People are coming 91 nights out of the year for baseball or football games. They?ll have the opportunity to go right over to the casino and come back,? said Noonan.

That may be a sweet deal for gamblers, but for some voters, a new casino on Russell Street only poses a traffic tie-up.

?[It will be] a mess,? said voter Harry Kunze.

If Question 7 is approved by voters, the Baltimore casino would offer more than 3,700 slots to visitors.


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Debate moderating: a thankless job

NEW YORK (AP) ? Beneath Bob Schieffer's Southern charm is the tough spine of someone used to dealing with politicians. The moderator of Monday's final presidential debate will need it, because it has been open season on the other journalists who have done that job this campaign.

Thanks to a bitter campaign rivalry, thriving partisan media outlets and the growth of social media, debate moderator is approaching baseball umpire on the scale of thankless jobs.

Jim Lehrer was criticized for not doing enough, Candy Crowley for doing too much and Martha Raddatz worked over about the wedding guest list for a marriage that ended more than a decade ago. Though not unanimously so, the barbs were usually partisan in nature.

"There are millions of people with their hands over their keyboards ready to analyze every single moment of what's happening," said veteran TV journalist Jeff Greenfield. "That puts even more pressure on ... It's a no-win situation."

Conservative columnist George Will called last week's get-together on Long Island the best presidential debate he's ever seen.

It didn't take long, however, for Republican Mitt Romney's supporters to go after CNN's Crowley. They said questions that she chose from undecided voters on immigration, gun control and equal pay for women played to President Barack Obama's strengths. They were incensed when Crowley, faced by two candidates in a dispute over what was said during a presidential address about Libya, corrected Romney by saying Obama had referred to an attack on Americans in Benghazi as an "act of terror." Crowley also noted that others in the administration suggested for nearly two weeks that the reaction to an anti-Muslim video was a motivating factor in the attack.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh called Crowley's work "an act of journalistic terror."

"If there were any journalistic standards, what she did last night would have been the equivalent of blowing up her career like a suicide bomber," he said.

The conservative Media Research Center criticized Crowley for having only one question on a foreign policy issue, even though this Monday's Schieffer-moderated debate is supposed to focus on foreign policy.

Thanks to a clock that airs on CNN's screen during the debate, some conservatives saw as a sign of bias that Obama spoke for 44 minutes, 4 seconds during the debate, compared to Romney's 40:50. This prompted CNN to count the actual words spoken by each candidate. The faster-talking Romney said 7,984 words and Obama 7,506.

Criticism of Crowley was a relentless post-debate topic on Fox News Channel, which knows CNN isn't popular among Republicans in its audience. Conservatives on Fox and liberals on MSNBC offer an echo chamber for partisan complaints and have far greater prominence than they had even a decade ago.

"I knew from the start," Crowley told The Associated Press, "somebody is going to be unhappy no matter what you do."

Crowley's bosses leapt to her defense: "She had to deal with the tricky format, the nervous questioners, the aggressive debaters, all while shutting out the pre-debate attempts to spin and intimidate her," CNN U.S. chief Mark Whitaker said in a memo to staff. "She pulled it off masterfully."

Even as each debate progresses, Twitter is crackling with reactions. Type in the moderator's name in a search and the screen immediately fills with tweets. Generally, it's a dependable way to gauge how a candidate is doing. The harsher one party's reaction to a moderator is, the tougher time their candidate is having onstage.

"I've never known the winning side to (complain)," said Aaron Brown, the former ABC and CNN anchor who is now a professor at Arizona State University.

Frustration against Lehrer boiled over predominantly among Democrats like Michael Moore and Rachel Maddow who were witnessing Obama's admittedly poor performance in the first debate. The former PBS host said he essentially tried to get out of the way, asking general questions and letting the candidates go after each other.

"I wondered if we needed a moderator since we had Mitt Romney," Obama's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said, even though her candidate talked longer. As in the second debate, Romney spoke more words.

ABC's Raddatz generally received strong reviews for her work moderating the one debate between Vice President Joe Biden and challenger Paul Ryan. Conservative media was buzzing days before the event, however, with the story that future president Obama attended her 1991 wedding to Julius Genachowski, Obama's Harvard classmate. The couple divorced in 1999. Allusions to the wedding popped up in grumbling tweets by Republicans about Raddatz's questioning.

One motive of the pre- and post-debate criticism is to "work the refs," to let the moderators know that partisans are watching. If intimidation works, even on a subtle level, it can seep into their performances at a time when even modest advantages can make a big difference.

During the second debate, George Mason University went so far as to count how many times each candidate and Crowley interrupted one another. They found that Romney was interrupted 58 times and Obama 43. The numbers came with little context, however, so it wasn't clear how many interruptions were related to candidates exceeding agreed-upon time limits.

Crowley's role in the Libyan discussion also raised the issue of how much the moderators should be prepared to practice journalism while onstage. If you hear something factually incorrect or misleading, is it your duty to point it out to viewers, or is that strictly the candidates' job?

For most viewers, the answer no doubt has to do with which candidate is being corrected.

So let's get this moderator's job straight:

Craft sharp questions to get the candidates to talk, while being meticulously fair not to challenge one more than another. Keep an eye on the clock so one candidate doesn't get to hog the time. Don't be bullied; be firm in forcing the candidates to move on. But be flexible enough to keep a productive discussion flowing. Know the difference. Keep the focus off yourself. And do it all on live television before some 60 million people.

Any applicants?

"There is not enough money to get me to do one of these things," Brown said.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rev Jackson says son going to Mayo for checkup

(AP) ? U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who has given no hint of when he'll return to work four months after taking medical leave, will head back to the Mayo Clinic for a checkup "soon," his father, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, said Sunday.

The Democratic congressman from Illinois was released from the Rochester, Minn., clinic in September after seeking treatment for bipolar disorder and gastrointestinal issues. He has been with his family in Washington since, but has not appeared in public, campaigned beyond a recent robocall or said when he'll return to Capitol Hill. His spokesmen will only say that Jackson remains on the Nov. 6 ballot.

Jackson's father, a prominent civil rights leader, said the congressman will go back to Mayo in the near future, but would not say when or for how long. He said only doctors could determine if he would be able to return home immediately or receive further inpatient treatment.

"He has not regained his balance altogether," the elder Jackson said. "But he's seeking his balance."

He said his son has an "overwhelming desire to get back to work," but any predictions were premature.

Mayo Clinic spokeswoman Duska Anastasijevic said Jackson is not a current patient and she could not confirm whether he has plans to check into the clinic. Jackson spokesman Frank Watkins said he didn't have any further information.

Many questions about the congressman's medical leave have gone unanswered. He first took medical leave in June for what staff described as exhaustion, but the information wasn't disclosed publicly until two weeks later.

Since then, information has come in spurts. It took weeks for his office to say where and for what Jackson was being treated.

The timing of his leave also has invited scrutiny.

Jackson ? just weeks from the election ? remains under a House Ethics Committee investigation for links to imprisoned former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The committee is looking into allegations that Jackson was involved in discussions about raising money for Blagojevich's campaign in exchange for an appointment to President Barack Obama's vacated U.S. Senate seat. And the announcement of the leave came just days after a former fundraiser connected to those allegations was arrested on unrelated federal medical fraud charges.

Jackson has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and has said his name will be cleared.

More recently, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that there is a federal probe related to his campaign finances.

The congressman, who first won office in 1995 special election, faces two little-known candidates on the November ballot. He's widely expected to be re-elected to a ninth full term despite the fact that he has not appeared in public for months. Jackson's Chicago-area district is heavily Democratic and many community leaders and mayors have endorsed him.

Jackson has said recently that he sees doctors twice a day while at the family's home in Washington. His wife, Chicago Alderman Sandi Jackson, has said that only doctors will be able to say when he can return to work.

The congressman's first communication to the public since the leave came Saturday in a robocall to voters in which he asked for patience.

"I am anxious to return to work on your behalf, but at this time it is against medical advice, and while I will always give my all to my constituents, I ask for your continued patience as I work to get my health back," he said in the recorded call.

His opponents ? a Republican college professor and postal worker running as an independent candidate ? blasted the move.

"As we wait for the Congressman to return, we have no voice. And now the Congressman is saying he has no answer about when he will return," Republican Brian Woodworth said in a statement late Saturday.


Follow Sophia Tareen at


Associated Press writer Sara Burnett contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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Huawei Ascend D1 Quad XL review

Huawei Ascend D1 Quad XL review

In February of this year, Huawei took to the stage at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to highlight its most ambitious smartphone strategy to date. Its plan: to establish a new classification system by dividing the bulk of its handsets into four core groups starting with the high-end D-series at the top and working its way down to the bargain bin Y-series. Hogging Accepting the bulk of the spotlight, however, was the Ascend D Quad XL, a "superphone" containing a homegrown quad-core CPU. For a manufacturer that hadn't even put a dual-core phone on the market (the Ascend P1 wasn't on sale yet), a launch in the second quarter of this year felt incredibly aggressive. This was Huawei's first real chance to make a legitimate name for itself outside of Asia; pushing out an impressive device in a timely fashion was imperative.

Fast-forward eight months, and we've witnessed the 2012 equivalent of the Motorola Droid Bionic: the unfortunate device has been the subject of uncertainty and countless delays. Fear not, it's finally been released. However, it faces an incredibly competitive market coming into the holiday season, with quad-core heavyweights like the Samsung Galaxy Note II, LG Optimus G and HTC One X+ ready to duke it out. We had this question when it was originally announced, and it's become even more relevant now: can the Huawei D Quad XL (and its freshly made SoC) hold up respectably amongst its new peers? Delay no further and join us after the break to get the full scoop.

Continue reading Huawei Ascend D1 Quad XL review

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Huawei Ascend D1 Quad XL review originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Oct 2012 14:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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