Friday, March 29, 2013

Healthy Computing - A Guide to better Computer Ergonomics

Healthy Computer Guide.


We?ve developed this guide with the objective of offering a more helpful and convenient way to operate your personal computer. This guideline will also play a good role in lessening the usual problem of the occurrence of disabling as well as agonizing injuries which have been discussed in the Health Warning section given below. You don?t need to spend a long time looking over this guide but you will get a long-lasting benefit from whatever information you do apply.


The mouse and keyboard that we use lead to various severe disorders and health injuries.

When a person uses a computer, he has to undertake multiple activities at a time resulting in occasional irritations in various body parts like hands, shoulders, arms, neck etc. If you experience some symptoms like pain, discomfort, aching, throbbing, numbness, tingling, stiffness, burning sensation etc. persistently and even at the time when you are not involved in computer works,


?These symptoms may be associated with the injuries which permanently disable muscles, nerves, tendons and other body parts. Some of such musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are tendonitis, tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis etc.

Although, researchers still don?t know everything about MSDs, they agree that there are some factors which might contribute to the occurrence of MSDs for example stress and the sensitivity of a person to it, overall health, medical as well as physical condition, the positioning of a person?s body during work etc. Another factor is how much time a person spends on working.?

This ?Healthy Computer Guide? will show you the ways to work in a more convenient way with computer and decrease the possibility of encountering MSDs.?

If you want to extract detailed information on the arrangement of working place and development of the habits which may facilitate the decrease in the risk of MSDs, read ?Healthy Computing Guide? thoroughly. As there are lots of reasons which play a role in developing MSDs, so this guide may not give you idea about all the facts but you will definitely come to know about the predominant reasons. There is a history of lots of people of have gained better comfort as well as productivity after following the ways suggested by this guide. One thing you need to be clear that this guide will not act as an alternative to professional health expert or health program. If you want to know about the influence of your activities, lifestyle, medical and physical condition over MSDs then you should consult with a qualified physician.


During working hour or when you are playing, try to avoid uncomfortable posture and always keep your body in comfortable position. This will not only enhance the overall productivity of you but also help to avoid the occurrence of MSDs. Don?t forget to change your positioning during lengthy task which will help you to get rid of fatigue and discomfort.

At the time of working with computer, adjust your surroundings as well as computer equipments to get a stress-free and contented posture of body parts. The arrangement of your work place in a comfortable way depends on the body size which is very unique for a person and also the work environment. The suggestions given below may help you to get a more flexible working environment.

Tips on supporting the back:


  • In order to support lower back, use a chair (see above image).
  • Make an adjustment between the surface of working area and the height of the chair to achieve a natural as well as convenient body posture (see below image).

?How to promote comfortable postures of leg:

  • Clear the underneath portion of your desk to get better leg movement and comfortable positioning.
  • If you feel that your feet are not having comfortable rest on floor, you can employ a footrest.

In order to obtain flexible arm and shoulder posture and minimize reaching, you may use the following tricks:

  • Keep the keyboard as well as mouse at the level of same height which will be good if it is at elbow level. The upper arms of the computer operator need to fall comfortable at the sides (see detail 3).
  • During typing task, keep the keyboard centered in front of the mouse (see detail 4).
  • Keep the items within the reach of your arms which are more commonly used (see detail 5).

?To attain perfect positioning of wrist and finger, follow the tips given below:

  • During typing work and operating mouse, hold your wrist straight and don?t bend wrists to the sides or up and down. If you have legs with your keyboard, then you can extend them to get a straight wrist posture and better comfort.
  • While you are typing, your wrists should float above your keyboard to enable you the usage of whole arm to catch the distant keys without stretching your fingers.

?To avoid bending of neck, try the tips stated below:

  • Adjust the positioning of top portion of the screen at your eye level (see detail 6). In case of bifocal wearers, screen may be lowered or the glasses may be customized specially for computer works upon the consultation of a professional physician.?
  • It?s necessary to center the monitor in front of you. If you need to have look over the documents more than the monitor, then place the documents in front of your eye and the monitor may be placed on a side slightly.
  • In order to adjust the position of documents at eye level, you may use a document holder.
In order to reduce the stress on eye, try the following:
  • In order to sit comfortably in front of monitor, keep it at an arm away distance.
  • Keep your monitor at a distant place from light sources which are involved in creating glare or you may also use window blinds for controlling the level of light.
  • Never forget to clean the screen as well as the glasses if you use them.
  • Learn how to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor.
  • Select the font size on screen which is more comfortable for you if you have that facility in your computer program.

Work Lightly

All the physical forces are involved in close interaction with our body. It?s not only the high impact forces like car crash that causes injury to our body but also low impact forces result in discomfort, injury and fatigue when these physical forces are encountered over long time.

Example of some low forces:

Dynamic force: The force which is generated through movement for example pressing key during mouse clicking or typing.? ?

Static force: The force which exists for a long period for example holding phone or mouse for long time.

Contact force: A force which is generated by resting on a hard surface for example resting wrists on your desk?s edge.

Try to embrace the following ways to reduce the influences of low-impact forces:

  • During typing, keep your hands as well as fingers flexible and type with very light touch, after all you don?t need to give big effort to operate your keyboard?s keys.
  • Click mouse with light touch, the same formula is applicable while using joystick or any other gaming controller device. ?
  • Keep your hand relaxed while holding the mouse and avoid gripping your mouse forcefully.
  • Never rest your wrist or palm on a surface during typing (see detail 7). This type of rest can be taken when you have a break from typing.
  • When you are on break, try to make your hands and arms relaxed. Never rest the arms or hands on the edge of your desk.
  • Make the adjustment of your chair in a way that no pressure from the seat pushes the back of knees (see detail 8).

Don?t forget to take breaks

?When you will take some break from your computer work, it will give time to your body for recovering activity and thus you can avoid MSDs. Based on the type of your work, you have to decide how long you will rest and how frequent you need to take rest. Not only postponing works and relaxing is the way to enjoy a break but also some other forms of breaks are present for instance choosing a different mode of work. If you change your position from sitting to standing during phone conversation, it will definitely help you to make muscles relax.

To alter day to day tasks and work productively, embrace the following ways:

  • Make a planning for both work and play in such a way that you don?t need to perform the same task over a long period.
  • In order to do the same job, try to use diversified input devices. Suppose, you are doing a scrolling job, you can use both keyboard arrow key and the wheel of mouse.
  • To decrease your work pressure, adopt various software and hardware. For example, you have the opportunity to use Windows logo key to enter into the Windows start menu.
  • Try to learn the operations of hardware and software by following the instructions given with the products. For instance, in order to highlight the test commonly, allocate your mouse to do ClickLock.

Be Healthy

?A healthy lifestyle is also necessary to perform daily tasks in proper way with enjoyment. You need to learn the detail about your health if you want to stay productive and flexible with your computer tasks.

?In order to maintain a healthy status of health, adopt the following ideas:

  • Take balanced diet as well as sufficient rest.
  • Don?t miss exercise as it will improve the flexibility, strength and overall fitness of body. In order to choose the right form of exercise for you, you may consult with a qualified physician.
  • Make proper stress management. By planning your work area and program properly, you can keep the racket and disturbances to a minimum level.
  • In order to be clear about the relevance of different factors like diabetes, injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy etc. to MSDs, consult with a professional health specialist.


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