Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Boehner: I demand another debt deal to ignore!

Boehner: I demand another debt deal to ignore!

Greg Sargent:

As you?ve probably heard, John Boehner is threatening today that Congress will not raise the debt ceiling again this year without spending cuts that are greater than the size of the increase. This sets the stage for a rerun of last year?s massive exercise in GOP hostage taking, which badly damaged Congress? image, though some neutral observers ultimately concluded Republicans had taken the greater hit.

Democrats are pointing out that it?s a bit surprising to see the House Speaker laying demands down for the next debt deal, when Republicans are trying to reneg on the last one by cancelling the defense cuts mandated by the deficit supercommittee?s failure.

Sargent goes on to ask good questions about where Romney stands on all this, but my ragemeter was pegged by the second paragraph. Boehner blew off the last debt agreement and now he?s demanding ? not asking, demanding ? that dems cut another one. What freakin? gall.

And here?s where I demonstrate why I?ll never be president. My response to all this would be, ?Why don?t you send me your request in writing? In response, I can send you back a framed photocopy of my ass on White House letterhead. And, if I were you, I?d take that deal, because it?s the best one a welsher like you can ever expect to see from this administration again.?


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